Getting out of a funk: How to reinvent yourself and start loving life again
Personal Growth

Getting out of a funk: How to reinvent yourself and start loving life again

I’m not gonna lie – the past few months have not been the greatest. I struggled very intensely with my mental health, and some days felt very dark. I had a hard time feeling fulfilled and finding purpose. Unfortunately, due to depression and anxiety, I tend to have periods of time where I feel this way.

But one thing is for certain. I always find a way to come out on the other side. I push through and try my best to stick to the mindset that I am in charge of the controllable variables in my life.

If you’re in a funk or just overall feeling wack recently, I hope that I can shed some light on how I am reinventing myself after these past few months. It takes effort and perseverance, but it’s worth it to be happy again.

1. I analyzed my life and discovered the reasons for my stress and anxiety.

Sometimes you have to take a hard look in the mirror and discover the root of your mental battles. For me, it was a mixture of things. I was stressed about moving to a new apartment, I felt insecure about my looks and my body, and I was very stressed in my job. I kept pushing myself too far and overworking the point of exhaustion. I was also speaking to myself in a very terrible manner, to the point where I started to believe that I was a failure.

It’s not always easy to figure out what we need to change. It may take some time.

Once you discover the root cause, it’s important to take action. Do you need to change your routine? Your job? Your habits? Your self-talk?

Think about what would get you out of your funk, and if it is attainable, make a goal to work towards that change.

2. Treat yourself to some new beauty or self-care products!

I realized that for a while, I hadn’t bought anything for myself and I was hardly taking care of my skin. At one point, I noticed that I barely put on makeup anymore – and I feel so good when I wear makeup!

When I looked in the mirror, I didn’t recognize myself. So, I started purchasing some new skincare and makeup products.

If you need to refresh your beauty routine, check out some of the products I love:

Liquid Simmer from Pretty Crazy

Pretty Crazy is an awesome small business that was started by a dad and his 9th grade daughter. A percentage of the profits go toward youth organizations, and the products are vegan and cruelty free.

Their shimmer is so pretty and looks amazing on my skin! Such a great way to make my face glow!

Pretty Crazy Dual Lash Mascara

This mascara works so well. For a full review, take a look at my Instagram Reel.

Beauty of Joseon Vitamin C Serum

I am actually obsessed with this stuff. I love the brand overall, and this serum feels amazing on my skin. It gave me a good, hydrated glow. I would definitely recommend adding this to your skincare routine.

3. Change the way you speak to yourself.

Changing the way you speak to yourself can have a profound impact on your well-being and mindset.

By shifting from self-criticism to self-compassion, you can create a more positive internal dialogue that fosters resilience and self-esteem. Instead of focusing on your perceived flaws and failures, acknowledge your strengths and accomplishments. Replace negative thoughts with affirmations and constructive feedback, allowing yourself to learn and grow from mistakes rather than being paralyzed by them.

This change in self-talk can lead to improved mental health, greater motivation, and a more optimistic outlook on life, ultimately enabling you to achieve your goals with confidence and grace.

It is hard to break the cycle of patterns that we have been stuck in for months, years, or maybe even our entire lifetime. It can be uncomfortable. But you deserve to feel happy, confident, and validated.

4. Go after your goals – no matter how big or small!

I realized I felt unfulfilled because I lost sight of my goals. Due to my depression, I stopped writing articles as frequently and I gave up on a lot of my hobbies. This led to feeling unfulfilled and upset with myself.

No matter what goals you have, just go for it. You may fail a hundred times. But at least you are trying. That is what I keep telling myself. All you can do is wake up everyday and choose to try. Choose to go for the stars and go to sleep every night knowing you did your best.

No matter what goals you have, just go for it. You may fail a hundred times. But at least you are trying. That is what I keep telling myself. All you can do is wake up everyday and choose to try.

Every day is a new day. There is a new chapter out there waiting for you!

You will have to learn to let go of things that no longer serve you. I know it’s easier said than done, but if you are in a funk, it may be because something is weighing you down.

I let go of a few things in my life, and I started speaking to myself in a more positive and motivational manner. I also started treating my body a lot better. I already feel like a new person, and I am not stopping here!

You are strong enough to pull yourself out of this. You are always worthy of an amazing life. Don’t be afraid!


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